Saturday, 26 June 2010

A poem with no name..

It could be an illusion

That would lead to despair

Like the love of a frozen heart

That’s got nothing to share

It’s like you’re walking in the desert

Thirsty, lost and torn apart

You can’t stand on your feet

You’ve got a long journey to start

And then you see the running river

Coming down you way

It seems like it’s now or never

But the water is miles away

And only when you come closer

You find out you’re the only loser

But you trusted your vision

You saw it with your own eyes

And in a moment you knew

It’s the “nothingness” in disguise

What you thought was true love

In reality was real pain

By killing the innocent dove

What does the huntsman gain?!

The bitter truth is that

It’s for himself to entertain

This is life’s way to make us learn

How never to believe a false face

Never admire a rotten piece of art

Even if it’s embroidered with lace

And from this day on…

I won’t pour as much water

On a dead and ugly flower

I’d leave it to dreadful insects

By which it deserves to be devoured

So said to me my friend

The friend I see in the mirror.


  1. I LOVE IT..TOTALLY AMAZING! girl,you have a way to go ha! go ahead pour more of it..:) i am taken..:)

  2. thank you so much beero your a wonderful person wallahy , it just flatters me that someone as talented as u are mashallah praises my work like that, specially that it's the first one on my way back to writing (I stopped a long time ago) , but with your encouragement and inspiration i think the flow has to go ;) thx again beero :)
