Saturday 14 August 2010

Magic Happens

I know what happened

I was there

and was not there

it's simple

not at all complicated

my eyes

they met yours

the lights around us were not that strong

but your eyes sent mine

beaming rays of light

while around us on that night

it was closer to darkness than it was to light

and on this crowded place

with this many people around

my ears heard no one

my eyes saw no body

just you

your presence brought shivers to my body

I know what happened

I was there

and was not there

the one in control

was not me

not at all me

I was the one controlled

by the magic

of your eyes

of your words

of your smile

ah.. that smile !

it took me miles and miles away

I flew in the sky

I saw all the colours of the rainbow

I laughted and cried

I felt safe in the core of danger

I know where this road ends

I've been there many times before

and trust me

I really wish I had an on/off button

I wish I was the one

in control

but I know what happened

I was there

and was not there

I felt a sting in my heart

a sting that is painful

yet lovable

"love at first sight"

yeah, heard about it

many times!

read about it

millions of times

never felt it

never believed it could happen

but today...

I was under your spell

I owned nothing of myself

and you knew nothing about it

sitting right next to me

sending me to places i've never been to

and you knew nothing about it

I never knew I could measure the time so perfectly

till you left us and came back

your absence made me count the minutes

with my mind and heart

I counted the faces

the heartbeats

the breathes

till you came back

to your very same place

on the chair on my left

in the heart in my left

and gave me back my life

my heart pulses

my blood

the air I breathe

and you knew nothing about it

but i know what happened

I was there

and was not there

I was there only coz I sat there

with everyone

and was not there

coz I was with you

and only you

but how will my heart endure

the next lines of this novel

I'm not sure

your features are inscribed in my mind

I can see you right now

I don't care how far away you are

you are with me.. right now.

I know what happened my soul keeper

but I have no idea what will happen

and I don't want you to tell me

and I don't wanna search for a clue

I'll just leave things as they are

Dont want that spell to break

that's my decision for now

to be or not to be

in love at first sight

is never a choice, my love.

Thanks for making me believe

that magic happens.

Now let the story begin..

let it happen

I'm giving you the permision

it is now your mission!

Sunday 11 July 2010

The beautiful Fairy

On a day like today
a striking beauty came to life

a little angel came to play
and learn to count from one to five

then month by month
and day by day

the angel became a sweet fairy

with beauty that takes your breath away
and a magical voice like a fife

she was the dream of every heart
and every man under the sun

her spoken words are simply art
her imagination matches none

she'd take you to the world of dreams
while you remain on your chair

then move you to the world of love
and handle you with great care

she's like a wish becoming true
and what more would you want in a friend

you love her too? then stand in the queue
as for me i'll stand in the end

in my hand holding a big bouquet
wishing her a

Sunday 27 June 2010

آخر ليالي شهرزاد

مولاي.. أرجوك

أبقني.. أبقني ليلة أخرى

و لا لحظة أخرى

مللت، مللت منك

من حكاياتك

من تواجدك المستمر في حياتي

تشكو من وجودي بحياتك

و أنا أحببت حياتي

لوجودي بحياتك

آن أوان ذهابك

لا يا مولاي... أرجوك اتركني أبقى

ليلة أخرى

أتخافين الموت؟


ليس الموت ما أخشى

إن كل خوفي هو أن أترك كل ما في حياتي.. أنت

أكره أن يأخذني الموت منك

لن تموت شهرزاد بضربة سيف

بل سأموت بوجود مَن بعدي معك

أنا لم أعتاد على امرأة واحدة

و أنا لم أعتاد إلا عليك

أحببت حكاياتي و أنا أرويها لك

المَرِح منها و الحزين

أحببتها لأنها ربطت بيننا

كانت كلماتي تجعل منك منصتاً


كنت أرى في عينيك لمعة

صامتة، مترقبة ، حالمة

في ألف قصة و قصة

كم رأيتك تبكي و تفرح

في ألف قصة و قصة

لم تكن تضحك إلا لحكاياتي

لم أرى دمعك إلا لأحزان أبطال رواياتي

و كنت دوماً تسألني

بشغف محبب إلى قلبي

- و ماذا بعد؟

و أطيل أنا في كل مرة

حتى مطلع الصباح

و أكف عن الكلام المباح

فتبقيني ليلة أخرى

معك، بجوارك

أصبحت رواياتك متشابهة

لم تعد لي رغبة فيك

إعتدت علي فمللت مني، و إعتدت عليك فأحببتك

كيف تحبين رجلاً يوشك أن يقتلك كل ليلة ؟؟

هو نفسه من يأويني كل ليلة

إنك تحبين قصري

بل أحب سيده، لما أرى في قلبه من رحمة دفينة

دعينا من تلك العبارات الخيالية

الخيال هو ما جمع بيننا

خلق بيننا رباطاً قوياً

كضوء الشمس

تشعر به و لكن لا تراه

أنا لا أشعر بشيء

رباه..، لشد ما يؤلمني عناده

حسناً إذن، لن أحضر السياف

سأتركك ترحلين بسلام

أي سلام هذا.. و تركك و موتي شيئاً واحداً

ماذا تريدين إذن؟

هل لي أن أروي لك حكاية أخرى؟

آخر حكاية؟

آخر حكاية

و بعد ذلك تذهبين؟


و بعد ذلك تذهبين؟؟؟


و بعد ذلك اقتلني

أقتلك؟ أتطلبين هذا بنفسك؟ هل فقدت عقلك؟

بل سأفقد حبي و أماني إذا أردت لي الرحيل

فاتركني أرحل عن عالمٍ بلا شهريار

ولكني لا أريد قتلك

أتريد غيري من النساء؟

شهرزاد.. أنت جارية

لا فائدة إذن.. اقتلني

و لكن

بعد هذه الرواية

الرواية الآخيرة

بلغني أيها الملك السعيد... ذو الرأي الرشيد

Saturday 26 June 2010

A poem with no name..

It could be an illusion

That would lead to despair

Like the love of a frozen heart

That’s got nothing to share

It’s like you’re walking in the desert

Thirsty, lost and torn apart

You can’t stand on your feet

You’ve got a long journey to start

And then you see the running river

Coming down you way

It seems like it’s now or never

But the water is miles away

And only when you come closer

You find out you’re the only loser

But you trusted your vision

You saw it with your own eyes

And in a moment you knew

It’s the “nothingness” in disguise

What you thought was true love

In reality was real pain

By killing the innocent dove

What does the huntsman gain?!

The bitter truth is that

It’s for himself to entertain

This is life’s way to make us learn

How never to believe a false face

Never admire a rotten piece of art

Even if it’s embroidered with lace

And from this day on…

I won’t pour as much water

On a dead and ugly flower

I’d leave it to dreadful insects

By which it deserves to be devoured

So said to me my friend

The friend I see in the mirror.